About Perfect Pooches

About Tim

Hi! My name is Timothy Zoch but my friends know me as “T.Z.” You can call me that if you’d like too! Here’s a bit about me. I’m a huge Star Wars fan. I use Star Wars quotes in my training lessons sometimes. “Try not! Do!.. or do not. There is no try.”
I was a cowboy in Wyoming for a time where I learned a lot about animal husbandry and how to handle animals that weigh up to two-thousand pounds gently and safely. I learned about the social relationships of animals that live in a group. I learned that the animals don’t yell at each other to communicate. I learned of a quiet and gentle way that works WITH the animals.
After an injury I found DOG TRAINING, or maybe it found me. My first dog was extremely easy. Then I got a second dog that was the exact opposite! I tried doing the same things that worked with the first dog. Nope. But I used to handle crazy mountain horses and wild cows! Nope. What I was doing wasn’t working. I needed help. So I went to Chicago and then to Orlando. I met with and learned from Marc Goldberg and Martin Deeley who taught me a gentle method that works WITH the dogs, especially those dogs that can be a challenge.