Archive for Category: Success Stories


Despite his size and muscle, this four-year old Husky used to be extremely shy and nervous around new people. He would whine and cower away from anyone he didn’t know, and sometimes act up by pulling on the leash. His owner decided that the two of them would start...

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After finding his new forever home, Charlie’s adoptive parents wanted to get him the training that his old owners wouldn’t give him. Sadly, it’s common for dogs like Charlie that pull on the leash and jump too much to be given up on and abandoned. Luckily for Charlie, his...

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Sometimes, the tiniest are the mightiest. Taco used to be a tiny-terror, closely following the text-book stereotype of a nippy chihuahua. She was so aggressive that she could spook dogs that were ten times her size with her bites and snarls. At three years old, her owners had tried...

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Milo absolutely loves playing around in the snow and going on long walks with his parents. The only problem was, he didn’t understand commands. He wanted to listen, but he couldn’t figure out what they were telling him to do, which made it difficult for them to bring him...

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Tucker is a four-month old Spaniel. You’re probably wondering what this little angel could possibly have needed help with. You see, Tucker used to get a little overzealous during playtime. He thought his owner was his personal chew toy. Everytime he played with her, he would unintentionally break skin...

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This chocolate lab is sweeter than, well, chocolate! Ollie’s old habits were what we like to call counterproductive…as in he couldn’t seem to keep his paws off of the kitchen counter. Every time he saw an opening, he would jump up and steal food – even with his owners...

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Milo & Otis

Talk about a dynamic duo. Milo is a one-year old mini Australian Shepherd, and Otis is a five-month old Bernese Mountain Dog and Golden Retriever mix; they’re best buds! Before their ten days of camp, Milo was a little too territorial with his toys, and Otis seemed to be...

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There’s no Flat Stanley here – but there is a fluffy one! Stanley’s humans brought him to Perfect Pooches to help them get through his terrible twos. (Yes, canines have them too.) Stanley loves the thrill of a chase, which is great exercise – but he didn’t know when...

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Believe it or not, this well-postured pooch used to be a bit of a nightmare. His humans were overwhelmed and couldn’t keep up with his negative habits and the chaos that came from them. When Gunner wasn’t tearing up the couch or dragging his Dad down the street on...

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This 14-month old fluffy furbaby’s name is Blaze, the Pomsky (Husky Pomeranian mix). He was lacking structure in his everyday life, and taking it out on his owners who needed help getting him to listen to them. After all, it’s hard to enforce structure when your dog isn’t respecting...

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